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Bitcoin Condividere
June Sees Over 50% Decrease in Crypto Thefts: Are We Finally Winning the Security Battle?

June Sees Over 50% Decrease in Crypto Thefts: Are We Finally Winning the Security Battle?

In a notable shift, June witnessed a significant reduction in cryptocurrency losses due to hacks, down by 54.2% from the previous month, according to...

Mark Cuban’s Crypto Wallet Resurfaces, Sells Over $38K in NFTs Amid Security Scare

Mark Cuban’s Crypto Wallet Resurfaces, Sells Over $38K in NFTs Amid Security Scare

A crypto wallet belonging to billionaire Mark Cuban was observed selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs) after nearly two years of inactivity. On June 23,...

EigenLayer Enhances Security for EigenDA Service on Ethereum Mainnet to Prevent Attacks

EigenLayer Enhances Security for EigenDA Service on Ethereum Mainnet to Prevent Attacks

EigenLayer has added a new security feature to its EigenDA data availability service on the Ethereum mainnet to combat Sybil and distributed denial of...

EigenDA Enhances Security and Scalability

EigenDA Enhances Security and Scalability

EigenDA enhances security and scalability on Ethereum's EigenLayer with new measures to combat Sybil and DDoS attacks, benefiting high-throughput appl...

Around 1,590 Crypto Wallets Affected Due to CoinStats Security Breach

Around 1,590 Crypto Wallets Affected Due to CoinStats Security Breach

CoinStats suffered a security breach late into Saturday as iOS and Android users reported receiving questionable notifications about them being eligib...

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