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Trump-Inspired Memecoins Soar 40% Amid Rumors Of Endorsement By RFK Jr.

Trump-Inspired Memecoins Soar 40% Amid Rumors Of Endorsement By RFK Jr.

2024-08-23 04:30:03

Recent reports claim that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will drop out of the US presidential race on Friday. The rumors have made PolitiFi tokens rise over 15% on the last day. While tokens inspired by RFK Jr. have plunged, Trump-themed memecoins took the lead with a 40% surge. Related Reading: Dogecoin Soars 6.5% Following Elon Musk’s Post, Is A Breakout Imminent? RFK Jr. To Dropout Of The Presidential Race During this cycle, memecoins have been at the front of the industry, becoming the largest narrative of the first two quarters. Due to the sector’s nature, crypto investors have immortalized the current event through these tokens, including the upcoming November US presidential elections. A candidate’s crypto stance has become a key factor for voters after the Biden administration’s crackdown on the industry. As a result, pro-crypto candidates have received significant support from the community. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was among the first to share his industry-friendly approach throughout his campaign, endorsing Bitcoin and blockchain technology. However, recent reports claim the Independent candidate will drop out of the race on Friday. According to ABC News, sources close to Kennedy claim that the presidential candidate will endorse former US president Donald Trump after dropping out. Trump embraced the industry this year and later started accepting donations of different cryptocurrencies. Per the report, “One possible scenario being discussed is for Kennedy to appear on stage with Trump at an event in Phoenix on Friday.” Sources familiar to both candidates cautioned that nothing is finalized and “Kennedy’s thinking could always change.” Nonetheless, the news comes days after the Independent candidate revealed he would not endorse US VP and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Trump Memecoins Take The PolitiFi Lead PolitiFi tokens surged 15.5% in the last 24 hours, with the price of memecoins inspired by the former US president taking the lead. As the rumors of RFK Jr. endorsement hit, online reports revealed the republican candidate’s chances of winning the election rose again. According to Polymarket’s 2024 Presidential Election Forecast, Trump’s chances rose to 54% after the news, with a 7% lead against Kamala Harris’ chances. Following the news, the largest Trump-themed token, MAGA (TRUMP), saw a massive increase. TRUMP’s price has taken a hit since the end of July when it was trading above the $6 mark. The memecoin retraced below the $3 support zone following the August market crashes, registering a 41.5% drop in the last 30 days. However, TRUMP skyrocketed 55.6% toward the $4.14 mark on Thursday. As of this writing the token is trading at $3.7, a 40% increase in the last 24 hours. Other memecoins inspired by the former US president also saw a significant surge. Related Reading: AAVE Breaks Out Of 2-Year Accumulation Range, Is A Parabolic Run Ahead? After the news, Doland Tremp (TREMP), Super Trump (STRUMP), and MAGA Hat (MAGA) rose 16%, 25%, and 23% respectively. Meanwhile, the KAMA and KEIDY memecoins registered a 30% and 57% price drop in the last 24 hours. Featured Image from Unsplash.com, Chart from TradingView.com

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