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DarkMeta Järg 4696
DarkMeta Järg 4696
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DarkMeta Turuosa ülempiirid

24h turumaht
1 H
-2.95 %
24 H
7.14 %
7 d
8.44 %
Täna DarkMeta USA dollarites on praegu hind 0.0007 USD, ja kui see on muudetud Bitcoin on 0.00000002 BTC. Kogusumma N/A praegu ringlusse turul. DarkMeta hinnad muutuvad praegu 7.14 %, Kontrollima kogu krüptokursus. Viimase 24 tunni jooksul 0.000 M US dollars DarkMeta on kaubeldatud Krüptovahetused. Hangi DarkMeta's edusamme, lisades selle oma lemmikud tasuta portfelli.
BTC Hind
0.00000002 BTC
BTC Turg
BTC 24h Vol
Kokku hangitud münte
-2.95 %
7.14 %
8.44 %
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DMarket is a marketplace based on blockchain and smart contracts to enable one-click sale, exchange or evaluation of every virtual item between all games on any platform. DMarket tokens will be the only platform currency supplying item prices for every trade, exchange, fee and smart contract.

DMarket wants to create a whole new economic segment. Any kind of collaboration between gamers and games developers on DMarket platform will be regulated by market demand. Therefore, gamers have their own interest in the looting rare items, as well as game developers in creating and maintaining of unique, relevant, and tradable gaming content. Users (players as well as developers) will be able to leverage their own achievements and time spent, either for better gaming experience or for monetary purposes.

DMarket API will be supported by any popular gaming engine (Unreal Engine, Cryengine, Unity 3D, etc.). DMarket API will be available for any games, whether old games (from the 1990s) or new ones. This is caused by the existence of a big community which is still playing old-fashioned games, and have been collecting enormous amount of digital items, which can be converted into real value.

Täisnimi DMarket (DMT)
Algus N/A
Algoritm N/A
Tõenditüüp N/A
Veebisait https://dmarket.io/?utm_source=cryptocompare&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=crypto_icolist_flat2507
Twitter @dmarket_io
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Kokku hangitud münte N/A
Eelmised kõik hangitud mündid N/A
Net Hashes sekundis N/A
ICO üksikasjad

ICO üksikasjad

DMarket is a global marketplace solution that turns every virtual item into real commodity. It enables one-click sale, exchange or evaluation of every virtual item between all games on any platform. The blockchain will ensure 100% security and safety. Smart contracts are the bridge on
blockchain to connect all game worlds and universes without any third party needed. They will log changes of ownership and automatically transfer payments.

Using our API, every game developer can easily connect their game to DMarket. That will increase lifetime value, revenue, and time spent in their games. Gamers will finally enter the global economy with virtual items, creating a new billion dollar marketplace in an instant.

DMarket API will be supported by any popular gaming engine (Unreal Engine, Cryengine, Unity 3D, etc.). DMarket API will be available for any games, whether old games (from the 1990s) or new ones. This is caused by the existence of a big community which is still playing old-fashioned games, and have been collecting enormous amount of digital items, which can be converted into real value.


  • Volodymyr Panchenko: Founder & CEO. (LinkedIn);
  • Alexander Kokhanovskyy: Co-Founder. (LinkedIn);
  • Sergey Nemesh: CTO. (LinkedIn);
  • Andriy Khavryuchenko: Blockchain Architect. (LinkedIn);

DMarket's ICO will be divided on two separate phases for the public , and one limited pre-sale for industry leaders only.

The limited pre-sale is targeted to spread the idea and enlarge the community, and is for industry leaders only. The currencies accepted are ETH and BTC, the token exchange rate is 1 ETH = 750 DMarket tokens with a bonus of +10%. 50 slots are reserved for industry leaders public participation with 50-500k Dmarket token per slot limit.

Phase #1 will start on August 17, 2017 and is expected to end on August 20, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached. Phase#1 minimal goal to start the development is 5,000,000 DMarket tokens, and the funding cap is 50,000,000 DMarket tokens. The token exchange rate is 1 ETH = 1,000 DMarket tokens, and the currencies accepted are ETH and BTC. After the token sale is closed, 10% of the total tokens amount sold are issued and reserved for DMarket's core activities. Phase#1 will have bonus tokens for the early buyers, as described below.

Phase #1 Bonus Structure:

  • Day 1: +10% bonus;
  • Day 2: +5% bonus;
  • Day 3: +3% bonus;
  • Day 4: no bonuses;

Phase #2 will start on November 1, 2017 and is expected to end on November 15, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached. The token exchange rate is 1 ETH = 750 DMarket tokens, and the currencies accepted are ETH, BTC, ETC and LTC. After the token sale is closed, 10% of the total tokens amount sold are issued and reserved for DMarket's core activities.

Limited Industry tokens distribution (Industry leaders only)
The main idea of this token sale phase is to spread the word about DMarket to enlarge our community.

DMarket will reserve only 50 slots for industry leaders on this stage, chosen by our team, and notify them via invitation letter. The minimal number of tokens to buy is 50k, the maximum is 500k Dmarket tokens. Only public participation with official statement is available

ICO staatus Ongoing
Tokenite varu 50000000
Algus 2017-11-14
Lõpp 2017-12-01
Varu tõstetud (BTC) 803 BTC; 36779 ETH; 1172 ETC; 875 LTC
Varu tõstetud (USD) 18218796
Alghind (USD) 0.00133333333
Turvalisuse audiitorfirma N/A
ICO õiguslik vorm N/A
ICO jurisdiktsioon N/A
Õigusnõustajad N/A
Blogi https://medium.com/@dmarket
Valge leht https://dmarket.io/assets/documents/DMarket_whitepaper_EN.pdf
Loe lahtiütlusest : Kogu meie veebisaidi, hüperlingitud saitide, seotud rakenduste, foorumite, ajaveebide, sotsiaalmeediakontode ja muude platvormide ("Sait") siin esitatud sisu on mõeldud ainult teie üldiseks teabeks, mis on hangitud kolmandate isikute allikatest. Me ei anna meie sisu osas mingeid garantiisid, sealhulgas täpsust ja ajakohastust, kuid mitte ainult. Ükski meie poolt pakutava sisu osa ei kujuta endast finantsnõustamist, õigusnõustamist ega muud nõustamist, mis on mõeldud teie konkreetseks toetumiseks mis tahes eesmärgil. Mis tahes kasutamine või sõltuvus meie sisust on ainuüksi omal vastutusel ja omal äranägemisel. Enne nende kasutamist peate oma teadustööd läbi viima, analüüsima ja kontrollima oma sisu. Kauplemine on väga riskantne tegevus, mis võib põhjustada suuri kahjusid, palun konsulteerige enne oma otsuse langetamist oma finantsnõustajaga. Meie saidi sisu ei tohi olla pakkumine ega pakkumine