FTI is an official encrypted digital currency in the FansTime ecosystem based on the launch of FansTime Chain. FTI is the official token for any transaction conducted in the ecosystem and the backbone economic system of the ecosystem. In the future, the FansTime community will launch the community motivation system and all the participants in the community will be given equal access to FTI
전체 이름 | FansTime (FTI) |
시작 날짜 | N/A |
알고리즘 | ETH Token |
Proof Type | N/A |
웹사이트 | https://www.fanstime.org/english.html |
트위터 | @FTI_Foundation |
페이스북 | N/A |
레딧 | N/A |
블록 넘버 | N/A |
블록 시간 | N/A |
블록 보상량 | N/A |
암호화폐 총 채굴량 | N/A |
사전 채굴량 | N/A |
초당 순 해시속도 | N/A |