Alphaex is a decentralized exchange for cryptocurrencies. It is a platform operated & maintained completely by software. The exchange enables the participants to trade directly with each other in the market without the involvement of any trusted 3rd party that processes trades. Telegram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Medium | Reddit.
In order to access the Alphaex fees details, please click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.
189 Marina Suites, Suite 4, Marina Street, Pieta PTA 9041.
相关交易所列表。 以下列表包含支持比特币,以太坊,Litecoin,XRP和其他着名的alt硬币的顶级加密交换。 此外,此列表提供了一瞥概述,以指示哪些交易更适合活跃交易.