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Long-Term Bitcoin Holders Resist Selling Amid Recent Highs — What This Signals

Long-Term Bitcoin Holders Resist Selling Amid Recent Highs — What This Signals

2024-05-30 01:00:38

As Bitcoin flirts with its previous all-time highs, the celebrated ‘diamond hands’—a term in crypto parlance denoting long-term holders (LTHs)—are demonstrating notable restraint, selling their holdings at a rate notably lower than in previous bull markets. According to a recent analysis by on-chain analytics firm Glassnode, despite the near $70,000 valuation, the selling pressure from these seasoned investors remains subdued. Related Reading: Crystal Ball Or Crazy Talk? Analyst Predicts Bitcoin To Hit $156,000 By May 2025 Bitcoin Diamond Hands Loyalty Amid Highs The phenomenon of ‘diamond hands’ holding firm as Bitcoin reaches significant price levels is not new but remains a cornerstone of market stability. These LTHs, defined by Glassnode as wallets holding Bitcoin for over 155 days, display investment maturity that underpins the market’s resilience. Even with Bitcoin’s price hovering around $67,722—down 3.5% over the past week but still up slightly by 0.6% in the last 24 hours—these investors are not rushing to cash out. Additionally, Glassnode’s report highlights that long-term holders are yet to reach the point of selling that typically precedes a market downturn. The market value to realized value (MVRV) ratio, a reliable metric to gauge the profitability of long-held Bitcoins, indicates that many LTHs are sitting on substantial unrealized profits. Historically, LTHs begin to sell once this ratio hits particular highs, which has not yet occurred despite the recent peak. Interestingly, during the surge to $73,800 in March—the latest all-time high—long-term holders were not the primary sellers. Glassnode pointed out that only a modest 519k BTC was sold by LTHs during this period, considerably less than in previous bull runs, where monthly sales approached nearly one million BTC. Of this, 519k BTC sold, “20% originated from Grayscale ETF holders,” as reported by Glassnode. This restrained selling behavior is significant, suggesting a strategic approach to holding and a belief in further price appreciation. The Future Holds Optimism Moving forward, Glassnode anticipates that LTHs will continue to play a pivotal role in the market dynamics. Their recent behavior indicates a shift towards re-accumulation following significant distribution around the $73k all-time high. Such patterns underscore a sophisticated strategy: Bitcoin’s most steadfast supporters may be gearing up for another run, anticipating higher peaks beyond current levels. Related Reading: Crypto Expert Says Market Has Begun A Macro Bullish Expansion – What This Means For Bitcoin And Altcoin Prices Amid these developments, crypto analyst Cryptorphic has forecasted Bitcoin reaching as high as $156,000 by May 2025, adding to the sentiment around Bitcoin, which remains interestingly bullish. #Bitcoin could hit $156,000 by May 27 2025! These green boxes represent the price action after #BTC halvings. We’ve never seen a red year after a halving. Bitcoin halvings are significant events, here are the percentages of Bitcoin’s price increase one year after each halving… pic.twitter.com/QEmNN8OuP2 — Cryptorphic (@Cryptorphic1) May 27, 2024 Featured image created with DALL·E, Chart from TradingView

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