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Linker Coin 秩 1093
Linker Coin 秩 1093
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112,776,150 LNC

Linker Coin
Linker Coin

Linker Coin 价钱

Linker Coin 24h Vol

Linker Coin 市值

1 H
0.45 %
24 H
1 %
7 d
-0.62 %
今天 Linker Coin 目前以美元计价 0.0551 USD, 如果转换为 Bitcoin 0.00000126 BTC. 总计 112,776,150 LNC 目前正在市场上流传。 Linker Coin 价格目前正在经历变化 1 %, 校验 所有加密货币. 过去24小时 0.000 M US dollars Linker Coin 已被交易 加密交换. 得到 Linker Coin's 通过将其添加到您的 最爱 并创造一个免费的 投资组合.
Linker Coin
BTC 价钱
0.00000126 BTC
BTC 市场
142 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
112,776,150 LNC
0.45 %
1 %
-0.62 %
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Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) operating on the Ethereum Blockchain. Blocklancer is our collaborative vision of an entirely self-regulatory platform for finding clients/projects and ensuring jobs are completed efficiently and fairly. Blocklancer is changing the way freelancing works for both the freelancer and the customer, concentrating on building a trustworthy platform all stakeholders can rely on. Blocklancer does this by minimalizing fees and introducing a decentralized tribunal system to guarantee every dispute case is settled fairly and that no one loses out — we can finally wave goodbye to fraud in freelancing.

全名 BlockLancer (LNC)
开始日期 N/A
算法 N/A
证明类型 N/A
网站 https://blocklancer.net/
Twitter @blocklancer
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
块号 N/A
阻止时间 N/A
阻止奖励 N/A
开采的总硬币 112,776,150 LNC
以前的总硬币开采 N/A
每秒净哈希值 N/A
ICO 细节

ICO 细节

Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) operating on the Ethereum Blockchain. Blocklancer is our collaborative vision of an entirely self-regulatory platform for finding clients/projects and ensuring jobs are completed efficiently and fairly. Blocklancer is changing the way freelancing works for both the freelancer and the customer, concentrating on building a trustworthy platform all stakeholders can rely on. Blocklancer does this by minimalizing fees and introducing a decentralized tribunal system to guarantee every dispute case is settled fairly and that no one loses out — we can finally wave goodbye to fraud in freelancing.


  • Michael Kaiser: CEO/CTO, Founder.  
  • Sabrina Kaiser: COO, Founder.  
  • Kevin Kaiser: CTO, Founder. 
  • Jason Hung: ICO Advisor 
  • MMag. Dr. Christian Wirthensohn: Legal Advisor
  • Mag. (FH) Cordula Kreidl, MA: International Strategies and Marketing
  • Chris Abdey: Client Retention and Customer Management , LinkedIn: 
  • Ing. Mag. Andreas Dobler: Taxation Expert

Prior to the ICO, Blocklancer will hold a pre-sale in September 2017 with a funding cap of 500 ETH.

Blocklancer will be holding its ICO in the Winter 2017/18 (Dates will be announced soon). The ICO token supply represents 88% of the total token supply. The ICO funding target is 200,000,000 LNC and the funding cap is 1,000,000,000 LNC.

Token Reserve Split (12%):

  • 10% Developers Team;
  • 02% Bounties;

Blocklancer's ICO campaign will feature a bounty campaign and a bonus structure, as shown below.

Bonus Structure:

  • Early Bird Sale: 15,000LNC : 1ETH
  • Early Hamster Sale: 14,000LNC : 1ETH
  • Early Panda Sale: 13,000LNC : 1ETH
  • Early Snail Sale: 12,000LNC : 1ETH
ICO 状态 Ongoing
令牌供应 10000000
开始日期 2018-01-16
结束日期 2018-02-28
募集资金 (BTC) 6,164.925 ETH
募集资金 (USD) 5398994.718
开始价格 (USD) 0.00006666666
安全审计公司 Atlas3
ICO管辖权 Austria
法律顾问 TWP
博客 https://publication.blocklancer.net/
白皮书 https://blocklancer.net/static/main/docs/lancer_whitepaper.pdf
阅读免责声明 : 此处提供的所有内容我们的网站,超链接网站,相关应用程序,论坛,博客,社交媒体帐户和其他平台(“网站”)仅供您提供一般信息,从第三方采购。 我们不对与我们的内容有任何形式的保证,包括但不限于准确性和更新性。 我们提供的内容中没有任何内容构成财务建议,法律建议或任何其他形式的建议,以满足您对任何目的的特定依赖。 任何使用或依赖我们的内容完全由您自行承担风险和自由裁量权。 在依赖它们之前,您应该进行自己的研究,审查,分析和验证我们的内容。 交易是一项高风险的活动,可能导致重大损失,因此请在做出任何决定之前咨询您的财务顾问。 我们网站上的任何内容均不构成招揽或要约