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Phoenix 秩 560
Phoenix 秩 560
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47,188,173 PHB


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Phoenix 24h Vol

Phoenix 市值

255 BTC
1 H
0.91 %
24 H
-0.31 %
7 d
-14.05 %
今天 Phoenix 目前以美元计价 0.9229 USD, 如果转换为 Bitcoin 0.00002112 BTC. 总计 47,188,173 PHB 目前正在市场上流传。 Phoenix 价格目前正在经历变化 -0.31 %, 校验 所有加密货币. 过去24小时 0.112 M US dollars Phoenix 已被交易 加密交换. 得到 Phoenix's 通过将其添加到您的 最爱 并创造一个免费的 投资组合.
BTC 价钱
0.00002112 BTC
BTC 市场
997 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
255 BTC
47,188,173 PHB
0.91 %
-0.31 %
-14.05 %
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Red Pulse is a Chinese news feed platform. Users can access the news related to several sectors of the society, including Financials, Technology, Healthcare, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Non-Cyclicals, among other events occurring in Asia.

At the moment Red Pulse is running on a dual-token system. The PHB token which is based on the Binance Chain and the PHX token which is based on the NEO blockchain. Below there is a short explanation on how the dual-token system will work.

The integration will consist of the launch of a new BEP-2 token called PHB, native to the Binance Chain ecosystem, and subsequent migration of NEP-5 PHX tokens on Binance.com to BEP-2 PHB tokens, which will then be tradable on both Binance.com as well as Binance DEX, the new decentralized exchange feature developed on top of the Binance Chain blockchain. Binance users who hold PHX on Binance.com will automatically have their PHX tokens migrated to PHB, and the exchange will continue to support the deposit of both PHX and PHB, while allowing for withdrawals in PHB. The total token circulating supply of PHX + PHB will remain the same as before, ensuring continuity and transparency in regards to our market-driven token price and market cap.

At the same time, the existing NEP-5 PHX token will continue to be natively supported by the Redpulse.com platform. Red Pulse continues to be closely partnered with NEO and its pioneering blockchain infrastructure that has allowed Red Pulse to develop our smart contract-based Phoenix infrastructure: Proof of Creation, Proof of Ownership, Regulatory Compliance, IP Protection, and Accountability. Via this Phoenix infrastructure, intellectual property such as research notes and whitepapers can be registered, secured, and tokenized as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and transferred between parties. As the Binance Chain continues to mature, Red Pulse will develop an identical infrastructure on the BEP-2 protocol as well.

Learn more about the Red Pulse integration with the Binance Chain here.

Visit the Red Pulse Phoenix NEO-based token page here.



全名 Red Pulse Phoenix Binance (PHB)
开始日期 2017-08-10
算法 N/A
证明类型 N/A
网站 https://www.redpulse.com/
Twitter @red_pulse_china
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
块号 N/A
阻止时间 N/A
阻止奖励 N/A
开采的总硬币 47,188,173 PHB
以前的总硬币开采 N/A
每秒净哈希值 N/A
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