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Mt. Gox to Begin Repaying Defunct Users in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Starting July 2024

Mt. Gox to Begin Repaying Defunct Users in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Starting July 2024

2024-06-25 00:22:07

Mt. Gox, the cryptocurrency exchange that lost 850,000 Bitcoin in investor funds in 2014, will begin repaying its defunct users. Starting July 2024, the rehabilitation trustee will process repayments in Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), according to a note from the exchange issued on June 24. “The Rehabilitation Trustee will commence the repayments in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in due course to the cryptocurrency exchanges with which the Rehabilitation Trustee has completed the exchange and confirmation of the required information for implementing the repayments.” The trustee has asked users for patience, emphasizing that the order of payments will depend

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